アメリカ・ワシントンDCを拠点に活動するエモロック・デュオ、Origami Angelがニュー・アルバム『Feeling Not Found』を2024年9月27日にCounter Intuitive Recordsからリリースすることを発表しました。バンドはこの度、2曲の新曲「Dirty Mirror Selfie」「Where Blue Light Blooms」のミュージックビデオも公開している。アルバムのプロデュースは数々のバンドを手掛けてきたWill Yipが担当しており、多方面からの期待が高まっている。
Origami Angelはまた、Arm’s Length、Macseal、Forestsをサポートに迎えた秋のツアー日程も発表。
Origami Angel have announced that they will be releasing a new album. It is called Feeling Not Found and will be out on September 27 via Counter Intuitive Records. The band has released a music video for their two new songs “Dirty Mirror Selfie” (directed by Britain Weyant) and “Where Blue Light Blooms” (directed by Kay Dargen). Origami Angel have also announced US and BC tour dates for this fall with Arm’s Length, Macseal, and Forests supporting. The band released their EPs re:turn and DE:PART in 2022 and released their mixtape The Brightest Days in 2023. Check out the video, tracklist, and dates below.
Feeling Not Found will be out on September 27th – https://orcd.co/fnf
Dirty Mirror Selfie
Directed by Britain Weyant
AD: Rock Jennings
Where Blue Light Blooms
Directed by Kay Dargen
Additional Footage by Dominic Vaughn