イングランドのポップパンク・バンド、Neck Deep が、今年初めにHopeless Recordsからリリースしたセルフタイトル・アルバム『Neck Deep』から、パンチの効いたアップビートな楽曲「Sort Yourself Out」のミュージックビデオを公開しました。 このニュースは、10月18日(金)にArea15 Las Vegasで開催される「When We Were Young」フェスティバルのキックオフを飾るサイドショーの発表に続くものだ。 また、「Dumbstruck Dumbf**k Tour」のヘッドライナー・ツアーがイギリスで2025年1月にスタートすることも発表されている。 バーミンガムでの公演を皮切りに、マンチェスター、グラスゴー、ニューカッスル、ノッティンガム、ブリストルでの公演を経て、スウォンジー・アリーナでの公演でフィナーレを迎える。
このツアーについて、フロントマンのBen Barlowは、「イングランドに戻ってくることができて興奮している。 僕たちはいつも他の場所にいるように見えるけど、家に帰ったら大々的にやるんだ。 The Wonder Yearsが出るのはいつも楽しい。彼らは長年にわたって僕らに大きなインスピレーションを与えてくれたし、たくさんの素晴らしい曲でいつも素晴らしいショーを見せてくれる。 One Step Closerは、数年前からずっと追いかけているバンドで、彼らは今とても成長している。 私たちは彼らのことが大好きだから、彼らが私たちのファンにどう受け入れられるか楽しみだ」。
Neck Deep released a brand new music video for their punchy, upbeat track “Sort Yourself Out” off their self-titled album, Neck Deep, which came out earlier this year via Hopeless Records.
This news follows their recent announcement of a sideshow to kick off the When We Were Young festival on Friday, October 18, at Area15 Las Vegas. The Home Team and Super American will support them at this show.
They also announced today that their Dumbstruck Dumbf**k headlining tour will be heading to the UK and kick off in January 2025. The seven-date run kicks off in Birmingham at the O2 Academy before shows in Manchester, Glasgow, Newcastle, Nottingham, and Bristol, culminating in a show at the Swansea Arena.
Speaking of the tour, frontman Ben Barlow says, “We’re stoked to be back in the UK. It seems we’re always everywhere else, all the time – but when we do come back home, we go big. Having The Wonder Years out is always fun, they’ve been a big inspiration to us over the years, with so many great songs they always put on an amazing show. One Step Closer are a band we’ve been following closely for a few years, they’re deservedly growing a lot right now and it’s been cool to see the progression. I’m excited to see how they go down with our fans because we love them.”
UK headline tour 2025 with our friends The Wonder Years and One Step Closer goes on sale on Friday August 30th! See you there 🌍 Tickets for all shows at Neckdeepuk.com
January 24th: Birmingham, O2 Academy
January 25th: Manchester, O2 Victoria Warehouse
January 26th: Glasgow, O2 Academy
January 28th: Newcastle, NX Newcastle
January 29th: Nottingham, Rock City
January 30th: Bristol, O2 Academy
January 31st: Swansea, Swansea Arena
We’ll be in the USA with The Home Team and Super American starting October 7
October 7th: Tampa, FL – Jannus Landing
October 8th: Columbia, SC – The Senate
October 9th: Huntsville, AL – Mars Music Hall
October 11th: Asheville, NC – The Orange Peel LOW TICKETS
October 13th: Oklahoma City, OK – Diamond Ballroom
October 14th: Wichita, KS – The Cotillion
October 15th: Albuquerque, NM – The Sunshine Theater
October 17th: Salt Lake City, UT – Union
October 18th: Las Vegas, Area15
October 19th: When We Were Young Festival
October 20th: When We Were Young Festival
October 22nd: Vancouver, BC – The Vogue Theater
October 24th: Calgary, AB – MacEwan Hall
October 25th: Edmonton, AB – Union Hall
October 28th: Des Moines, IA – Val Air Ballroom
October 29th: Milwaukee, WI – The Rave
October 30th: Grand Rapids, MI – The Intersection
October 31st: Toronto, ON – The Queen Elizabeth