カリフォルニア州オレンジカウンティを拠点に活動するハードコアバンド、Stick To Your Gunsが新曲「Weapon」のミュージックビデオをPure Noise Recordsから公開しました。バンドは前作『True View』からPure Noise Recordsと契約しており、今年アルバムリリースとなれば、およそ5年振りの新作となる。
4月8日からはRise Againstの「Nowhere Generation Tour 2022」に帯同することが決まっており、Pennywiseと共に全10公演が計画されている。
Music/Merch: https://lnk.to/STYG
iTunes: https://lnk.to/STYG_Music/applemusic
Spotify: https://lnk.to/STYG_Music/spotify
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“Weapon” lyrics
My heart is a weapon
Torn between
You can’t grow from the apathy
Hatred’s fueling the love in me
But it’s the price I pay
Set to explode
No letting go
By the truth
The truth of all I know
Torn between
You can’t grow from the apathy
Hatred’s fueling the love in me
But its the price I pay
My heart is a weapon
I’ll die to fight this way
Breaking the silence
With venom in my veins
My heart is a weapon
The price I pay
My heart is a weapon
Torn between
You won’t grow from your apathy
Hate is choking the love in me
But I’ll never let this go
My heart is a weapon
I’ll die to fight this way
Breaking the silence
With venom in my veins
My heart is a weapon
The price I pay
My heart is a weapon
My heart is my weapon
My hate is the same
These words are the venom
No going back for me
Mercy and venom
I have what you lack
Mercy and venom
No going back
My heart is a weapon
I’ll die to fight this way
Breaking the silence
With venom in my veins
My heart is a weapon
The price I pay
My heart is a weapon